Monthly Archives: March 2014

Emma & Jamie’s Highland Fling

IMG_18302tBagpipes, kilts and sunshine for Emma & Jamie at St Margaret’s Gardens in Karaka. Gorgeous gardens
just south of Auckland provided a splendid backdrop to their fabulous wedding day, not to mention the farm over the road with it’s terrific classical red barn – a real beauty- where Just enough blustery breeze let Emma’s veil billow out to fill the camera frame. I love photographing weddings in Auckland, looking for new venues to shoot wedding photographs is a bit of a hobby for me these days but has to be said It was a real treat to get out of Auckland for the day and into the counrty.
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Bride & Groom Magazine’s Official Wedding 2014 Show Photographer

Chris-LoufteCrowing a little, but I’ve Just been asked to be the official Bride & Groom photographer at the Bride & Groom Wedding Show at Ellerslie again this year so I’m feeling pretty chuffed! So chuffed in fact that if you see me at the show( I will be the one going around taking photographs of everything) just ask me for a FREE show photo of you and your friends!
If you haven’t been before( yes people do go more than once) it’s a must visit to see an enormouse range of the premium wedding services on offer in Auckland. From Auckland wedding photographers  like me through to cakes, tabel decorations and Bridal fashions.
So put Sunday 4th May in your disry an I’ll see you there!