Tag Archives: rain

What if it rains?

We all know that the Auckland weather can be more that just a little unpredictable. We can’t change it but we can work with it. Rain can come just when you least expect it as Mandy & Nathan found out. Just moments before she was due to join Nathan  under the wonderful outdoor chandelier in the gardens at the Keliher Estate the heavens. Pretty upsetting for them because they had planned for months to be married in exactly that spot. So what next? Did we all through our hands up in despair, where there tears and hysterics? Well no there was none of that because we had sorted out a ‘just-in-case-of-the-rain’ location for their ceremony at their pre-wedding photography planning meeting.  We switched to our ‘wet weather’ locations for the creative bridal photos and then we winged it a little in the showers . Plus we got to use the funky Elizabeth Dhal umbrella!
