Tag Archives: Wedding show

Yummy Cakes and Wedding Frocks at the Bride & Groom show

There are others( so I’m told) but if you want to see the very best of what’s out there as you plan your big day it has to be the The Bride & Groom Wedding Show at Ellerslie Race Course in Auckland, hands down, every time. I was invited to photograph it for the magazine this year and it was a buzz. It seemed almost impossible for me to get round all of the displays but there were some pretty determined bride’s to be who wanted to see it all. And it was all there, Cakes, venues, celebrants, photographers the lot. Now I’m a photographer and sure, I like bridal gowns as much as the next man but let me tell you there were five packed out, standing room only bridal fashion shows that were simply brilliant. The top floor room was simply wall to wall oooh’s and aaahhh’s from the girls as each bridal creation took it’s turn in the lime light. I’ve put a few of the photos from a show on the FB page so if your interested to see take a look here. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=509038795830118&set=a.509038709163460.1073741829.237216676345666&type=3&theater .

Now let’s not forget  those cakes( not a word about getting into those posh wedding frocks we’ve just spent the last hour watching whirl by). That’s the good thing about being the Bride & Groom official photographer, everyone wants their picture taken and those who have cake on their side, well enough said really.  There are a few photos from the show here if you want to see them. This link will take you to the Bride & Groom FB page https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151666103496563&set=a.10151666091226563.1073741829.118333186562&type=1&theater.

Don’t forget to check out the bridal fashions……..